What International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month mean to me

Inspirational Women of History

As I reflect on International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, I experience a mix of emotions. First, I feel grateful for the women throughout history who tirelessly gave of their time and energy to bring us to where we are with equality today and for the women who followed their passions despite discrimination and backlash to find cures for diseases, advance technology, write books, compose music, and much more across all disciplines. So many women throughout history wrote or published under a male name in order to get their work published. So many women contributed to the advancement of science without recognition. So many women were jailed or executed for breaking unjust laws placed on them. So many women fought the system to win the rights we experience today. Thank you dear women of history for being bold and courageous. I honor you today!

Second, I feel angry that women were held back for so many centuries by unjust laws. They were not allowed to own land, vote, run for office, go to university, pursue careers, and much more. The limitations placed on women have held us back as a society. Who knows where we would be today if women were encouraged to follow their passions?

Lastly, I feel hopeful that with the increase in women’s rights, the passionate women I have had the privilege to meet, and the tireless efforts of women around the globe, women’s equality will continue to rise and we will someday be treated as true equals. Yes, we have quite a bit of work to do but just like the women of history who fought for us to get where we are today, we will continue to fight as well.

Women who have influenced me personally

In addition to the courageous women that I described above, I also reflect on the women I have known personally who have been a positive influence on me. One significant thing that women have taught me throughout my life was that we need women of all generations to help us make sense of life and keep us strong. I recently watched the 2023 Oscar-nominated movie titled “Women Talking”. This movie is about a society of sexually-abused women that are holding secret meetings to decide whether to stay, fight, or leave. As three generations of women discuss what to do, you see them support each other, comfort each other, listen to each other, respect each other’s point of view, and encourage each other. This brought back memories of my upbringing where I was frequently surrounded by women of multiple generations who talked about big issues, supported each other, helped each other solve problems, and comforted each other. Through these women, I was also inspired to follow my dreams, not allow myself to be held back by societal messages regarding women, reach out to others for support and knowledge, and value helping others rise out of their oppression.

My Hope

My hope for you dear reader is that you also spend some time reflecting on what you have learned from women of history and women in your own life. Then, while holding onto these lessons, figure out what you value and then take committed action in that direction. Sometimes, we come up with an idea and then realize that it is difficult so we drop it. This time, let’s not drop it, let’s commit to it despite our reservations and take action!

If you are struggling with taking action toward your values, consider seeing a therapist like myself who specializes in living a Values-driven life.

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