Stop Making Assumptions to Improve Relationships and Anxiety
When something unexpected happens, we want to know why so often make an assumption. Making frequent negative assumptions can increase anxiety and harm relationships. But with practice, we can turn this around and improve our relationships and reduce anxiety.
Disappointment, now that’s a difficult feeling!
The feeling of disappointment is such a difficult feeling that people often respond with anger and blame. The good news is that we can learn how to cope with disappointment more effectively.
3 Ways to Manage Anxiety
The feeling of anxiety can be difficult to manage. There are several techniques that when practiced regularly, can be helpful. Here are a few that target anxiety’s tendencies to derail us and keep us from living our best life.
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is a helpful tool for managing anxiety, depression, and other issues but the way people describe it is often confusing. In concept, it’s fairly simple: “being in the present moment without judgment”. But what does that mean?